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Solar plant in Finland

DAL realises Finland's first large scale ground-mounted solar plant

DAL is expanding its Northern European network and realising the first ground-mounted solar park in Lakari near Rauma in central Finland.

At a glance

  • DAL Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing finances first large scale ground-mountedsolar plant realised in Finland with a total capacity of 32 MWp
  • The park was developed and will be operated by CPC Finland - a company of the German green energy specialist CPC Germania
  • The project is being financed on the basis of a PPA agreement with Neste Oy, the world’s leading producer of sustainable aviation fuel, renewable diesel and renewable feedstock solutions for various polymers and chemicals industry uses, for its refinery in Porvoo, Finland

First ground-mounted solar park in Lakari

The project is being financed, among others, while using KfW funding programme, over a financing term of 20 years (plus construction phase). For DAL, the project marks the company's entry into the Finnish solar market and its first collaboration with the renowned developer and operator of green energy projects, CPC Germania from Rheine.

After commissioning, expected in April 2024, the Lakari solar power plant will be the largest operating solar power plant in Finland with over 58,000 installed solar modules and is able to supply around 10.000 households.

"With our expertise in solar and PPA projects, we were able to structure a customised, long-term financing solution for this project."

Dominik Franz, Head of Energy & Infrastructure at DAL

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Comments on project

Dominik Franz, Head of Energy & Infrastructure at DAL: "We are delighted to support CPC Finland in this milestone project as part of the energy transition in Northern Europe. With our expertise in solar and PPA projects, we were able to structure a customised, long-term financing solution for this project and create planning security for the operator."

Erik Trast, the CEO of CPC Finland: " We are thrilled to partner with DAL, leveraging their extensive experience and capabilities in PV projects. DAL's expertise in creating standardized solutions for mid-size projects like Lakari, where cost-efficient structures are of utmost importance, is impressive. This non-recourse financing facility will play a crucial role in the success of the Lakari solar plant.“

Markku Korvenranta, Executive Vice President, Oil Products, Neste Oyj: “Investments into renewable electricity support Neste’s commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of our production, helping the company reach carbon neutral production by 2035. Solar power is one of the over100 measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our production.”